This is the archived website for Ragroof Theatre, Bridges are available to book with The Ragroof Players

Originally inspired by the emergence of tango within the migrant population of the ‘conventillos’ (apartment blocks) of Buenos Aires, Bridges uses a multiplicity of languages – spoken, sung, played, and danced – to explore the experience of migration.

Interviews with migrants in the UK and France have informed the development of the show, and form an integral part of the soundscape, which also includes a beautiful mix of live and recorded music from all corners of the world.

Bridges is a promenade performance, site-specific to a covered car-park. The audience experience the multi-layered lives of migrants from the painful leaving of home to the challenges of integration into new communities. A performance that evolves from, then disappears into, thin air….

Bridges, in development for 2012 and presented as a work-in-progress in 2011, is a trans-national collaboration between Ragroof Theatre (UK) and Cie.Vendaval (France).